Emiko, aka @ThatHiFiGirl and ecoustics have partnered on a new video series aiming to connect with the next generation of music lovers, audiophiles and hi-fi enthusiasts. Our goal is to inform, entertain and attract an entirely new audience that appreciates music, but is not quite sure how to begin its journey.
In our inaugural episode, Emiko covers the basics of what it means to be an audiophile and what “hi-fi” actually means. Future episodes will cover the building blocks of putting together a high-end system and how new listeners can actually have fun on their journey. That is allowed. Fun.
Interactive Ask
In the comments below, please share your the first time you realized music and hi-fi were going to become a major part of your life. Was there a pivotal moment, product or person that changed the way you thought about music?
To level up, record a video and share your experience with us. It just may get you featured on an upcoming ecoustics video!
Just email us to share your video privately or tag us @ecoustics on any social platform so we can find your video.
Learn more about Emiko at: instagram.com/thathifigirl/
One last thing, don’t forget to Subscribe on YouTube and click the bell to get notified about all future videos.