DACs Time to Get Frisky with the iFi Audio Go Bar Pocket Rocket: High-End Munich 2022 The iFi Go bar becomes the top portable model in the lineup that already features some very impressive portable headphone amplifiers. Ian WhiteMay 19, 2022
DACs iFi ZEN One Signature DAC Offers Bluetooth Connectivity The iFi ZEN One Signature DAC strips out the volume control and headphone amplifier for a dedicated hi-res DAC with Bluetooth support. Ian WhiteJanuary 15, 2022
Exclusive Videos Hi-Fi Show & Tell with Audioholics: YouTube Live, Episode 2 Our Editor-in-Chief, Ian White speaks with Gene DellaSala, Audioholics President via YouTube Live about some very affordable hi-fi gear this week. Ian WhiteSeptember 20, 2021
DACs iFi NEO iDSD DAC/Amp Review: Modern Solutions for the Digital Age Modern digital streaming scenarios require modern solutions. The iFi NEO iDSD DAC measures up rather well. Josep BusquetsMarch 8, 2021
DACs iFi Audio ZEN DAC V2 Adds New MQA Capabilities The new iFi Audio ZEN DAC V2 offers additional decoding power, improved MQA support, and a lot of power for your headphones or IEMs. Ian WhiteApril 26, 2021
New Products Making Desktop Audio Better with the New iFi Audio ZEN Signature Series iFi has reworked the award-winning ZEN DAC and ZEN CAN to create step-up iFi Zen Signature versions delivering even higher levels of performance. Ian WhiteFebruary 5, 2021