HDTV 4K & 8K TV Hisense U9DG Dual Cell LCD TV: Evolution or Last Gasp? The TV industry is making moves away from LCD technology, but it isn't going to be replaced overnight, if at all. Check out how... Robert SilvaSeptember 9, 2021
HDTV 4K & 8K TV Hisense Announces 100 Day No Regrets Guarantee For Select TVs If you are considering the purchase of a new TV, Hisense wants to make sure you include them as a serious choice. Check out... Robert SilvaSeptember 23, 2021
New Products Hisense Announces A Trio of Soundbars In addition to its LED/LCD, Dual Cell LCD, and Laser TVs, Hisense also makes a lot of other products, including soundbars. Check out the... Robert SilvaOctober 9, 2021