High-end headphone generates significantly more sound pressure through redeveloped high-performance motors beyerdynamic changes the game in high-end headphone design and performance. As stated by...
The new T50p headphones by Heilbronn (Germany)-based audio specialist beyerdynamic utilize Tesla technology, bundled with a range of features to improve the sound and...
Beyerdynamic announced two in-ear headphones, models iDX 120 iE ($140) and iDX 160 iE ($165). The new iDX headphones come with an in-line mic/controller...
Beyerdynamic just announced the $80 DTX 350 p on-ear, foldable headphones, which only weigh 131 grams, making them extremely comfortable to wear. The closed...
Beyerdynamic announced the CUSTOM ONE PRO PLUS, the world’s first interactive headphones for $300. The sound, features and design can be adapted to the...
Wireless Listening With MIMI Sound Personalization and Tesla Drivers beyerdynamic has just introduced Aventho wireless on-ear closed headphones that feature innovative Tesla technology and sound personalization. In...