Happy with obtaining an inexpensive vintage OHM sound cylinder pro 200, along with my walsh 2 and 2xo. I am all set for my omnidirectional set up. I have a dual 15″ DCM subwoofer for the LFE, and I have peavey kosmos sound bass processor that really creates a real drum, bass sound on all the low notes. No boomy box like sound you hear in so many subs without single equalizers to prevent it from bottoming out! For HT use, if you can afford it, get yourself a BBE sonic maximizer, PEAVEY kosmos…and some sweet dakiom feedback stabilizers with an acoustic research tds spatial enhancer or carver holography, and you’d think you spent thousands more on your system.
Because i’m your local junkyard audioman who cannot compete with the wallets of the elites, here, my suggestions are alternative psycho acoustics for the budget minded audio enthusiast and cheap skate audiophile. wait, that’s me?
I use my OPTIMUS/RCA linaeum for my surround center backs and all OHM for the front, center, and rears.
Yup, I have planars too. That’s another set up! For those who like 3 dimensional spaced out imaging, my set up is out of the ordinary.
If you don’t have anything like this or similar like those who owns orbs and mirage and for the elites, MBL, duevel or german physiks, ohm new or vintage is the way to go for budget omnidirectional including orb and mirage. Elac if you can afford it. They have that amazing omni tweeter.
The cheap tweak is the combo of dakiom feedback stablizer HR-103 or newer 203 at www.dakiom.com and acoustic research tds-202 spatial enhancer which you can get at amazon.com or ebay.com. For about $150-$200 investment with these two item combo, whatever system you got, MINUS THE 100K tube purist, your system will elevate to another level and your beloved speakers, receivers and amps will sing even better.
Irregardless of speaker system, it will improve it even more. The better your system, the better it will get. Even inexpensive low budget will sound much better.
This is a communist audio thread. You are not allowed to disagree or have a different opinion. It’s HI “FIDEL”(CASTRO) LITY AUDIO!
Ha..ha..! if you like everything pure, there’s always other threads with people with $10k and up tube amps and 50k plus and up speaker system.
I’m the poor man’s audiophile tweaker specialist.