Do cables make a difference? If you are using cables, the answer is YES!
But how does one write a review about cables? A cable just sends a signal from A to B. So shouldn’t all cables sound the same? In theory yes, in reality it’s not that simple. I am not going to go into the technical details of digital and analogue signals. I will just tell you what I found from testing the line of cables.
In the beginning
Just about everyone starts out using bare speaker wire and the RCA interconnects which come with your VCR, DVD/CD player, or cassette deck. What most people don’t realize is there is whole industry dedicated to high-end audio/video cables. Are these companies selling hot air, or do their cables really work?
Exceeding expectations
In my testing of cables I can definitely say their cables live up to the hype. Every cable will improve the sound or video in your system. The two biggest standouts are the Silver Serpent Reference Series Speaker Cables and Component Video Cables. Silver Serpent Reference Speaker Cable
This speaker cable will instantly improve the sound quality of your speakers. The difference the Reference speaker cable made was amazing. It was as if my speakers suddenly came to life. Music became much more detailed and clear. But the most noticeable improvement came in the bass response. Low frequencies were deeper and tighter, creating a more full-bodied sound. The mid-range was crisp, and highs became crystal clear. Silver Serpent Component Video Cable
Hookup your DVD player or satellite/HDTV receiver with these component video cables and you will see film-like results. Overall picture quality is greatly improved. Color separation is enhanced. When it comes to picture quality, nothing beats it.
Silver Serpent S-Video Cable
If you don’t have a newer TV which supports component video, then your next best option is to use S-Video to connect you DVD player, S-VHS VCR, or camcorder. The Silver Serpent S-Video cable is another cable that does not disappoint.
Silver Serpent Composite Video Cable
A composite video cable is usually the cable with a yellow RCA connector which comes with all VCR’s and camcorders, and has been a standard connection on TV’s for over 20 years. The Silver Serpent Composite Video cable will give you the best video performance possible from the old technology. The picture quality won’t compare to S-Video or Component connections, but it’s not the fault of the cables, it’s the fault of the old technology. Since every regular VCR connects to your TV via composite video, these cables are a must have to connect your VCR to the TV, and are highly recommended for VCR dubbing.
Silver Serpent Digital Coaxial Cable
Surprisingly, I learned the Silver Serpent Digital Coaxial Audio Cable is exactly the same cable as the Silver Serpent Composite Video cable. But the digital coaxial cable sends a 5.1 digital audio signal to your receiver or surround processor. This cable offers the highest possible audio resolution for Dolby Digital/DTS surround sound.
Premium Optical (Toslink) Cable
Toslink was invented by Toshiba, and is widely used on all Sony digital audio equipment. It is an alternative to using digital coaxial cable. In my tests I found no discernable difference between using the toslink or digital coaxial cable.
Silver Serpent Audio Interconnects
Audio interconnects are most commonly known as cables with red and white connectors. They come free with almost every audio equipment purchase. But the generic audio interconnects do not even come close to the Silver Serpents. By just swapping interconnects, it was like uncovering your ears for the first time.
Why are these cables good
What makes a cable good? If I knew I would be a manufacturer. For the most part, you want gold plated connectors, signal shielding, and a pure metal conductor to achieve the least signal loss. As the Silver Serpent name implies uses 99.999% pure silver and oxygen-free copper in their cables. Their speaker cables are the most uniquely designed. They consist of a braided combination of 8 strands of silver with 8 strands of copper, and terminated with silver rhodium banana plugs or spades. is so confident you will love their cables they offer a 30-day money back guarantee.
Justify the cost cables are great, but they are not cheap, nor are they the most expensive. It is recommended to spend about 10% of your total system cost on cables. If upgraded cables fit into your budget, then should be your first choice.
The equation is simple.
Better Audio + Better Video =
Silver Serpent Speaker Cables – $299.95/pair (2m)
Silver Serpent Component Video – $99.95 each (1m)
Silver Serpent S-Video – $49.95 each (.5m)
Silver Serpent Composite Video/Digital Coaxial – $69.95 each (.5m)
Silver Serpent Audio Interconnect – $79.95/pair (.5m)
Premium Toslink Cable – $59.95 (1m)
Buy direct at:
Remember I am just one man with one opinion. If you own this product, or have a comment or question feel free to add your thoughts below.
Brian Mitchell
Founder & CEO