Hong Kong, August 1, 2007 – ITOK Media Ltd’s innovative Hi-Fi brandTrends Audio
(http://www.TrendsAudio.com) launched their new Audiophiles-Grade device – Trends UD-10.1
USB Audio Converter. It has upgraded the board to version 1.1 with new USB B type socket
and provides a high end type A to type B cable. New version applied audiophile grade
materials and electronic components, including the high-quality Japanese/Korean precise
SMD resistors and capacitors. Besides reducing the space, it also reduces the resident
inductance (relative to DIP components). The power filtering and decoupling is using Sanyo
OS-CON solid-state electrolyte capacitors. The analog signal decoupling and coupling are
using ELNA Silmic electrolyte capacitors and WIMA MKP10 film capacitors.
“As we all know, Microsoft’s Media Center helped propel a growing synergy between PCs and
entertainment systems that continues unchecked to this day. One unsung plyer in this
ongoing convergence of computing and High-end audio is the USB Audio Converter” said
David Ho, the marketing director of Trends Audio. “Trends UD-10.1 USB audio converter
plugs into your PC or Mac’s USB port and lets you connect your computer to your Hi-Fi
or Home Cinema system easily, and with high sound quality”
Trends UD-10.1 USB Audio Converter can link a PC/Mac with coaxial, optical and standard
AES/EBU(110 Ohm via XLR) and S/PDIF (75 Ohm via RCA or BNC). This permits a PC/Mac to
essentially impersonate a high-end digital-playback device, such as a high-end music DVD
or CD player. The PC/Mac can also pass digitally encoded signals into a receiver or
signal pre-processor/pre-amplifier for high-end audiophile applications.
“Thanks to the excellent power supply handling, the high accuracy clock and the
sophisticated digital output circuit, the Trends UD-10.1 makes your PC/Mac to behave
as a high-end CD transport to work with an external DAC. Yet, the Trends UD-10 and
PC/Mac combination provides better sound quality, larger storage capacity and a more
user-friendly interface than most standard CD players.” said Ricky Leung, the chief
engineer of Trends Audio.
Trends UD-10.1 USB Audio Converter best suit users who either already have conventional
loudspeakers they’d like to use with a media PC rig, or want to bridge the gap between
a media PC/Mac and an audiophile-grade home entertainment or sound system. Meanwhile, it
provide a huge business for system builders, the biggest opportunities will come from
helping clients set up PC-based or Mac entertainment systems and incorporate such systems
into existing entertainment systems.
Trends UD-10 USB Audio Converter has received prize from audiophiles worldwide and
it is the must-have for anyone with a computer-based recording or playback system. The
suggested retail price of Trends TA-10.1 is US$119 and it may be the most competitively
priced USB Audio Converter on the market. For more information or interested to become
their dealers, you can visit their web site at http://www.TrendsAudio.com or reach at
(852) 2566-5810 or send email at sales@TrendsAudio.com
Please feel free to contact Trends Audio if you would like to have an interview or
need some screen shots for this Press Release or request a FREE trial of Trends UD-10.1.