Take a Magical Mystery Tour at the
NY Hilton Room 1004 April 28th through May 1st
Having probed the boundaries of speaker design to great acclaim, Tetra’s Adrian Butts now takes on… custom painted cabinetry!
Visit us in Room 1004 and see how the high performance Manhattan Line 305s can look in one of our special TetraArt finishes. These new designs offer endless ways of achieving ultimate family room friendliness. At the Show you’ll find a super sounding wide-dispersion easy-to-drive speaker that looks just like… the album cover of Sgt. Pepper’s! And, are those diamonds for Lucy? Where’s the Maharishi when you need him? Oh… he’s right there! Our Manhattan 105 bookshelves also look especially cool when given the treatment.
The UK connection for our Ode to Liverpool calls for Chord’s posh DAC64 Blu CD transport, flagship CPA4000 preamplifier and SPM4000 stereo amplifier. Kubala-Sosna Research joins the Mystery Tour with their always suave cables. Connect to the performance, as Joe Kubala always says.
“We’re enthusiastic that now almost everyone will have a reason to want custom finishes,” says Adrian. “It’s a fun option for visually integrating your system into any environment, traditional, super high tech, or make it fun for the kid in all of us. It’s a nice symmetry; no matter what your room is like you can always enjoy great sound.”
Tetra… Just Like Being There
www.tetraspeakers.com support@tetraspeakers.com
3059 Carling Ave Unit RW Ottawa ON K2B 7K4
(613) 226-3550 phone (613) 226-3575 fax
Chord USA Sales Bluebird Music Ltd 416-638-8207 phone 416-638-8115 fax
sales@bluebirdmusic.com www.bluebirdmusic.com
Kubala-Sosna Research www.kscables.com 862-268-1952 phone
Press Contact for Tetra Speakers Scull Communications www.scullcommunications.com