Take Anywhere Technology Introduced by Gibson Guitar at CES 2007
Nashville, Tennessee…December 29, 2006…Gibson Guitar, the world’s premier musical instrument manufacturer and leader in music technology announced today that the company is developing a suite of services and technologies that will promote and expand the utility of a new High-Definition audio format for the recording industry. The suite of capabilities called Take Anywhere Technology, ensures that high resolution multi-channel lossless audio is available to consumers on physical discs, and makes that content portable and optimized for digital listening environments such as mobile, computing and portable use.
Gibson is also developing services that will extend the consumer benefits of the High-Definition audio format and also provide additional security to the networking ecosystem. There is great potential in a new High-Definition format and Gibson intends to provide its extensive expertise to support the format’s introduction and growth throughout the worldwide music industry.
“The suite of services which we are developing will ensure consumers maximum flexibility in moving their purchased content between listening devices,” said Henry Juszkiewicz, Chairman and CEO of Gibson Guitar. Take Anywhere Technology will provide a new set of services which will support the continued vibrancy and diversity of the music business while helping to overcome losses it has sustained through widespread unauthorized distribution of music files.”
Press interviews are available for scheduling with Henry Juszkiewicz at Gibson booth CP1 at CES 2007 January 8-11, 2007. The Take Anywhere Technology team will also be on site to answer any questions and provide information.
Gibson is known worldwide for producing classic models in every major style of fretted instrument, including acoustic and electric guitars, mandolins, and banjos. Gibson’s HD.6X-PRO Digital Guitar represents the biggest advance in electric guitar design in over 70 years. Founded in 1894 in Kalamazoo, Michigan, and headquartered in Nashville since 1984, Gibson Guitar Corp.’s family of brands now includes Epiphone, Dobro, Maestro, Kramer, Steinberger, Tobias, Echoplex, Electar, Flatiron, Gibson Baldwin Music Education, Slingerland, Valley Arts, Maestro, Oberheim, Sunshine Piano, Take Anywhere Technology, Baldwin, J&C Fischer, Chickering, Hamilton, and Wurlitzer. Visit Gibson’s website at or
Gibson Guitar is located at CES Booth CP1 (Central Plaza I) outside front entrance of convention center.
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Gibson Media Contacts
Caroline Galloway GIBSON 440-338-3469 office
440-725-9265 cell
Jason Padgitt ROGERS & COWAN 310-854-8140 office
310-720-1897 cell