Buwalda Hybrids is pleased to once again sponsor the Scott Buwalda’s Sound Quality Summit series of advanced sound quality seminars. For 2005, we are promoting eight (8) Sound Quality Summit events.
The Sound Quality Summit is an interactive and fun seminar focusing on advanced topics in car stereo sound quality, proctored by Scott Buwalda, three-time expert world auto sound champion and internationally-recognized authority in high-end mobile audio. The conference includes both theory and applied fundamentals in sound quality, including hands-on training, listening evaluations, laboratory exercises, and secrets to making great sound quality. Topics include everything from the most basic principles of sound to advanced topics in car audio sound quality. See the Tour Flyer for more details, including the abbreviated course syllabus, here:
The seminar is eight and a half hours in length, not including lunch (included in the cost of the seminar). The event fee is detailed on the above web site, and includes all handout materials, musical software, laboratory exercises, an International Tour T-shirt, and a “goodie bag” of car audio essentials. The seminar is appropriate for all levels of expertise; all are encouraged to attend.