‘X-orcism’ the Free VST/AU Format Plug-in is Available for Download Now
OXFORD, UK — In response to ghost stories of economic doom and gloom, Solid State Logic, the world’s leading manufacturer of professional digital and analogue consoles, invites you to celebrate the festival of witches and ghouls with a bit of fun. SSL is proud to offer you ‘X-orcism,’ our free Halloween VST/AU format plug-in. Feed in your voice and you will be transformed into the voice of Halloween itself… be afraid, be very afraid.
X-orcism can be downloaded absolutely free of charge by visiting www.solidstatelogic.com.
Solid State Logic is the world’s leading manufacturer of analogue and digital audio consoles and provider of creative tools for music, broadcast and post production professionals. For more information about our award-winning products, please visit: www.solid-state-logic.com.