Ringtone Media Studio Allows Users to Create Custom Ringtones,
Wallpapers and Videos
DENVER, CO – July 27, 2005 – Avanquest Software, a leading developer and publisher of utility, mobility and productivity software for the global PC market, today introduced Ringtone Media Studio, the first all-in-one mobile phone ringtone creation and image-editing suite for the North American market.
Targeting a U.S. consumer ringtone market forecasted to exceed $500 million in 2005, Ringtone Media Studio is compatible with more than 450 popular mobile phones, enabling millions of consumers to personalize their mobile phones without the repetitive high cost of purchasing digital content.
Ringtone Media Studio provides everything consumers need to create high-quality real music from their existing music collections and customize polyphonic ringtones. It also allows them to personalize their phones with wallpapers using their favorite photos or digital images from the Web and includes a Video Studio that edits real video clips and transfers them to the mobile phone.
Supporting handsets from Nokia, Motorola, Samsung, Sony Ericsson, Siemens and other manufacturers, Ringtone Media Studio enables one-click transfer of users’ ringtones, wallpapers and videos to their cell phones via Bluetooth, Infrared or optional cable. The software automatically selects the digital media format appropriate for the user’s phone and also allows users to save their customized creations as files on their PC.
“Ringtone Media Studio eliminates ringtone and wallpaper download fees and recurring mobile content subscription charges, giving consumers the freedom to control the content on their mobile phone just like they do on their PCs,” said Bob Lang, President, Avanquest Mobility Software Division. “With three editing studios, and a free media library this is the true all-in-one creative cost-saving solution mobile phone users have been seeking.”
The centerpiece of Ringtone Media Studio, the Melody Studio, includes a real music mixer to convert CDs and MP3s into ringtones as well as a polyphonic ringtone editor to customize MIDI files. The software even comes complete with a free 5,000-piece online media library of wallpapers, ringtones and video samples (www.ringtonemediastudio.com), allowing users to begin customizing their phones immediately. Additional free content is added regularly to the Online Media Library to ensure users never run out of creative options.
Once users have selected digital content from their own files or the free media library, they can personalize their selections using three powerful editing studios:
* Melody Studio: Create custom ringtones from MP3s, audio CDs and MIDI polyphonic files; modify existing files (a mixing console, audio effects and voice recorder are included) and automatically convert them to the user’s unique mobile phone format.
* Image Studio: Easily design and modify mobile wallpapers and screen-savers; touch-up images, photos, and screen captures stored on a PC, crop, add special effects, frames, symbols and text. A preview screen verifies the image is rendered properly for the customer’s mobile phone display.
* Video Studio: Start with an original video clip or modify one from the online media library. Edit to length, and then add text, sound, music, special effects, transitions, etc.
The product is available over the Web and at thousands of retail outlets across North America, at $19.95. A free trial version is available online at www.ringtonemediastudio.com.
About Avanquest Software
Avanquest Software is a global developer and leading publisher of best-selling personal and professional software designed for utilities, office productivity, communications and mobility worldwide. Avanquest Software products are marketed in over 100 countries, through e-commerce, OEM partnerships and IT resellers. Founded in 1984 as BVRP Software and listed since December 1996 on Euronext (ISIN FR0004026714), Avanquest Software forms part of the Eurolist, NextEconomy segment and SBF 250 index. Additional information on Avanquest Software is available at www.avanquest.com.