In today’s highly competitive marketplace, companies seeking products or services will nearly always seek competitive quotes from two or more vendors or providers. Those providers will then get down to work to provide a quote as quickly as possible with as low a price as they can possibly afford. A presentation is then assembled and, at least with higher-ticket items, is shown to the prospective client in person so that a live sales pitch can accompany it. A company will generally decide on the vendor that is offering the most valuable product or services for the money.
It’s sad to think that it could be your company with the most cost-effective presentation–yet for lack of real-time data protection, that presentation makes it to the prospect too late. The other vendors got there in a timely fashion and one of them actually landed the account. Unfortunately, your quote got accidentally deleted by the employee assembling it. Having been saved across a network, the file was not available through the Windows Recycle Bin. Backup had occurred four days previous and the presentation was only in its rudimentary form; that was the only version available for recovery. Days of work was lost, and hence days were required to reassemble it–and that was after the hours it took IT personnel to search through backups and restore the file that was there. Once the quote was re-done, the prospect had already made a decision to go with another vendor.
What might have changed this scenario? A real-time data protection software solution, providing real-time recovery of accidentally deleted files, would have corrected the user error within seconds; the erring employee simply could have accessed the directory that replaced the Windows Recycle Bin and recovered the file with a single click of a mouse.
Such a solution replaces the Windows Recycle Bin with one of its own, allowing recovery of files even if they were saved across a network. The only other method of accomplishing such recovery is with combination hardware/software solutions such as mirroring, costing tens of thousands to purchase and even more to implement. Most companies cannot afford such and must rely only on periodic backups. This real-time recovery software solution can save untold grief in terms of time and money, at both the user and the IT ends, adding an extra vital level of protection to backups.
This same technology also allows for the retrieval of earlier versions of other file types which normally cannot be recovered in any circumstances, such as earlier, over-written versions of Microsoft Word, Excel and PowerPoint files.
In today’s highly competitive marketplace, companies seeking products or services will nearly always seek competitive quotes from two or more vendors or providers. Make sure your company makes it on time by utilizing a real-time recovery solution.