Everybody knows documents and files that we keep in a computer are one of the most important things in modern people life. It’s a fact: 43% of companies that lost all their data and didn’t have opportunity to restore them never re-open.
Today a user may lose all the data saved at his computer. That can be caused by a virus brought through the Internet or a simple notebook theft. Or — and it happens more often — he can find out that a file he need has been unexpectedly deleted or changed.
The best decision of this problem is an easy-to-use program that will save reserve copies of all important files. Usually it needs some additional devices — storages like CD, DVD, USB-flash or local area network. And these programs are created with a lot of useful and reliable features. Other way — online backup programs designed for keeping on the Internet-server specially. These programs put at user’s disposal required space and have just necessary functions.
Novosoft LLC offers new service Online Handy Backup to solve problem of data loss. And it unites abilities of both sort of backup programs. It gives an opportunity to copy files of any format to Internet-server and includes many convenient options. So an advantage of Online Handy Backup from Novosoft LLC is we have made good backup software and now we offer Internet-server that can keep all formats files.
For a start Novosoft LLC has created the reliable, easy-to-use program. Our specialists thought over many details that Handy Backup users can get convenient and secure program. Novosoft LLC has been working out Handy Backup for a long time. We released several version of this program. We improved it step by step taking into account the wishes of our users.
And now we are ready to offer more suitable version. Online Handy Backup is a safe and easy way to save reserve copies of important documents and other useful files. You can backup all files you need from your work or home computer. And then you will access to this documents on any computer by web-site.
Online Handy Backup not only defends your files against loss, it also keeps all your important documents in perfect security. Our Data Center is located in professional secured underground shelter in USA. Online Handy Backup server is protected against fire, flood or burglary. More than 50 high-quality certified engineers monitor server’s work 24x7x365. This server has 150 kVa Uninterruptible Power Supply and strong power grid. So you access to your necessary files 99.9% uptime and you can work with program very fast and convenient. And don’t worry about data transfer security. This program supplies with Secure FTP to send any format files from your computer to server using strong encryption.