Visit Us in Room 545
September 30th through October 2nd
Marriot Tech Center Denver Colorado
Hot on the heels–more or less–of Moscode’s successful new release at Home Entertainment 2005, George Kaye, Master Moscode, brings his 401HR (“Harvey Rosenberg”) tube/hybrid two-channel amplifier to the Rocky Mountain Audio Fest.
Moscode’s Kaye and partner Gage Rommel are setting out on a serious mission; they’re going for best of show. Here’s what they lined up to move Room 545 into The Moscode Zone. Speakers are the remarkable Dynaudio Contour S5.4. There’s a Sim Audio Equinox CD Player and P-3 two-channel preamp. Wasatch Acoustics is providing cables, with stands by AudioBot by StandOff systems. George and Gage will run a Placette Audio volume controller at times. For taming troublesome room acoustics at show venues, we rely on the Echo Busters Squad!
The 401HR is a true tube hybrid two-channel amplifier. Some solid-state designs “feature” a single stage of tube amplification tacked on before the output stage. That’s the same as running a tube preamp with a solid-state power amplifier; you’re still listening to a solid-state amp. While it may warm the sound, this approach doesn’t take full advantage of tubes’ strongest suit. I’m for optimizing both for what each does best and combine that into a simple, elegant circuit.
The 401HR delivers an articulate, life-like, dynamic, musical 200Wpc using a class A tube driver stage coupled to MOSFET power outputs. It’s a low-feedback dual-mono, dual-regulated hybrid design on hard-wired elastomer-mount circuit boards. Moscode quality goes deep; there’s no off-board speaker wiring, and just four wires per channel carry the audio signal. Moscode Maxi Caps are used, and so are MIT coupling caps, Edison Price Music Posts and Cardas connectors and internal wiring, all standard.
Moscode is looking forward to seeing you at the Rocky Mountain Audio Fest! Come visit room 545 and tell George and Gage if they hit their goal! Have Memorable Moscode Moments to share? George would love to hear them. You know he has a few stories up his sleeve.
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