Maximize System Performance with the Right Defragmentation
To keep your car at peak performance, you generally have to take it to a good mechanic and have it regularly tweaked. You have to make sure oil and fluid changes are made on schedule. You have to see that any problems are immediately fixed. You have to regularly rotate the tires. People leading busy lives (and that’s most of us) don’t usually have time for such involvement in vehicle maintenance, and would probably go crazy for some kind of relatively inexpensive solution they could install that would maximize performance from there on out with no further attention from them.
Maintaining a computer can and usually does take that same kind of dedication–except that when that computer is part of a network within a company, the system administrator has no choice but to make time for involvement in maintenance, whether he or she has that time or not. To do otherwise is to risk system slowdown or breakdown and a mob of angry users or, worse, fuming corporate executives.
Unlike cars, though, there is a solution you can install on a computer system which will automatically keep its performance at maximum. “Diskeeper 2008 has been running for some time now and my system is always at, or very, very close to, peak performance,” said Matthew S. Luth, Systems Manager for Orscheln Management Company of Moberly, Missouri.
The main source of system performance degradation in any computer is file fragmentation. For maximum performance to be consistently maintained, it takes a fully automatic defrag solution that addresses fragmentation wherever and whenever possible.
Diskeeper 2008 with its proprietary InvisiTasking technology runs in the background, invisibly, utilizing only otherwise-idle resources. No scheduling is ever required, and there is never a negative performance hit from defrag. “Essentially it is transparent, unobtrusive (I don’t even realize it is running unless I check the Task Manager) and completely satisfactory,” Luth said.
One day there may be such a simple performance solution for our cars, cutting world-wide mechanic bills in half and making drivers deliriously happy. But for now at least, we do have such a solution for our computer systems.