TruSlim Frame and slim profile for a clean, modern look
LG just announced the PK550 (1080p) and PJ350 (720p) plasma HDTVs that don’t compromise on features or design. Both series boast LG’s TruSlim Frame, reducing the bezel width to only 0.9 inches, along with a slim 2-inch depth and the protective Skin Glass system for picture quality improvement. This is in addition to the many value-added core features found on virtually all LG HDTV products.
The PK550 Full HD 1080p series (available in 50-and 60-inch class sizes) features a TruSlim Frame and slim profile for a clean, modern look. It also incorporates 600Hz Sub-Field Driving, Intelligent Sensor technology for energy savings and USB 2.0 for additional content viewing options.
The 720p PJ350 series (available in 42- and 50-inch class sizes) also offers consumers the TruSlim Frame and slim profile for a clean, modern look, as well as 600Hz Sub-Field Driving in two display sizes. The USB 2.0 feature and three HDMI ports allow consumers to connect to a variety of entertainment devices.
Core Plasma Features
For easy self-calibration, all plasma lines feature LG’s Picture Wizard II technology, which provides on-screen reference points for key picture quality elements, such as black level, color, tint, sharpness and backlight levels. Also included in the new plasma lines are ISFccc calibration options to deliver the level of calibration filmmakers intended viewers to see. Others include:
- Intelligent Sensor: Automatically calibrates and optimizes brightness, contrast, white balance and color, based on the brightness and color temperature of lighting in the room — thereby saving on energy output in most circumstances.
- Clear Voice II: An enhancement to Clear Voice, this feature customizes volume settings by 12 distinct voice zoom levels without diminishing other surrounding sounds, helping ensure consumers don’t miss a single line of dialogue during action sequences.
- AV Mode II: Includes three AV modes preset to optimize picture and sound settings based on Cinema, Sports or Game content which can be easily set with the remote control.