X-Rite Delivers First-ever Embedded Display Calibration Technology for Groundbreaking Mobile Workstation
X-Rite, Incorporated (NASDAQ: XRIT), the world leader in color management and measurement technologies (www.xrite.com), announced its agreement with Lenovo (www.lenovo.com) to provide an easy-to-use solution for optional display calibration without external peripherals/ software on Lenovo’s new ThinkPad W700 mobile workstation.
X-Rite and Lenovo worked to develop this industry “first” a display calibration solution embedded into the mobile workstation palm-rest. X-Rite customized its industry-leading PANTONE hueyCOLOR technology for the Lenovo ThinkPad W700, ensuring optimal and consistent color calibration performance.
“By collaborating with experts in the color calibration industry like X-Rite, we are able to give our customers a wholly-integrated solution for exceptionally accurate color,” said Tom Ribble, director, worldwide ThinkPad notebook product marketing, Lenovo. “The ThinkPad W700 mobile workstation delivers a first-to-market innovation, helping set a new standard for display calibration.”
For Lenovo, X-Rite developed its hueyCOLOR solution designed to offer high performance users’ digital photographers, industrial designers and high-end graphic artists'”such benefits as:
- A pre-installed calibration application for immediate display calibration;
- Custom calibration for ThinkPad W700 mobile workstation for assured color accuracy and optimized color measurement performance;
- Super easy operation, with an application that starts at the close of the notebook;
- Preloaded software that allows users to easily access the additional color functionality of an add-on PANTONE hueyPRO via their external display.
“X-Rite is pleased to have worked with an industry leader like Lenovo to introduce the first embedded notebook calibration solution. Enhancing the Lenovo ThinkPad W700 mobile workstation display is in keeping with our mission to provide predictable and easily-manageable color throughout any digital workflow whether in the office, on the plane or working from home,” says X-Rite CEO Tom Vacchiano.
About X-Rite
(NASDAQ: XRIT) X-Rite (www.xrite.com) is the global leader in color science and technology. The company, which includes color industry leader Pantone Inc., develops, manufactures, markets and supports innovative color solutions through measurement systems, software, color standards and services.
Release Summary:
X-Rite (www.xrite.com), delivers First-ever Embedded Display Calibration Technology for Lenovo’s (www.lenovo.com) new ThinkPad W700. X-Rite customized PANTONE hueyCOLOR technology to develop this industry first-a display calibration solution embedded into a mobile workstation.
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