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LAMM Industries LL1 Signature Preamplifier


Top-of-the-line monaural line level preamplifier

LAMM Industries, Inc. will demonstrate its flagship new preamplifier LL1 Signature with the complementary ML3 Signature amplifiers at this year’s CES.

The monaural line level preamplifier model LL1 Signature is the ultimate statement of perfection in High-End audio. Just like the ML3 Signature is the best creation of its designer’s professional career among the LAMM amplifiers, so is the LL1 Signature among the line-level LAMM preamplifiers. The LL1 Signature has been designed to complement the ML3 Signature amplifier, and this combination in a system represents a “match made in heaven”. However, the LL1 Signature will perform magic with any other appropriate power amplifier.

This preamplifier features a topology that brings out the most natural sound performance in the audio path. In principle, it is a single-stage unit that basically represents the shortest possible signal path. The preamplifier contains four very linear low impedance triodes paralleled into a single inverting gain stage.

The LL1 Signature employs a pure single-ended class A operation, with no overall feedback applied. Also featured are specially selected high-transconductance dual triodes 6N30P-DR/ 6H30 (original) in the signal path and TKD stepped potentiometers for volume control – the best available on today’s market.

The preamplifier’s audibly neutral power supply features a full-wave vacuum rectifier. This rectifier, together with a choke- containing filter, allows to practically get rid of the hum and buzz and, in the end, to ensure the verity of dynamic range without coloration. Two solid-state analog voltage regulators supply dc voltage to the tube filaments (heaters). Other features include 3 inputs, one tape/HT processor loop, attenuator (-12 dB) switch, output 1/output 2 switches, protection circuitry designed to enable manual muting of the output signal, and built-in remote on/off for LAMM power amplifiers.

LAMM Industries LL1 Signature Preamplifier - Rear

The main distinction of the LL1 Signature from any other comparable type of preamplifiers is its practically inaudible sonic signature. When connected to an appropriate type of power amplifiers, especially LAMM power amplifiers, it assures the extraordinary transparency of perceived sound and recreation of a three-dimensional soundstage in the home, recording studio, etc., without boundaries and limitations.

Each preamplifier is handcrafted of the finest materials and top quality parts like military-grade DALE metal-film resistors, PRC wire-wound resistors, BOURNS multi-turn potentiometers, CORNELL DUBILIER and UNITED CHEMI-CON electrolytic capacitors, ELECTROCUBE, ELCON and ROEDERSTEIN film capacitors; HAMMOND chokes, gold-plated NEUTRIC connectors, and military-grade low-noise long-life vacuum tubes. A custom-designed massive damping panel installed in the preamplifier unit significantly reduces all types of mechanical vibrations which, in turn, leads to a more extended, coherent and natural bass reproduction. The LL1 Signature features a custom-designed super-low noise power transformer.

Description, images and specs are available at the following links:

Suggested US retail: $42,690.00/pair

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