Kenwood just released the tough, compact multi-application KAC-M1804 4-Channel Digital Amplifier and KMR-M308BT Digital Media Receiver, which is capable of streaming digital media content from most personal digital devices such as iPhone and Android smartphones. The light weight short chassis receiver fits many applications a normal radio wouldn’t.
Designed for Kenwood’s outdoor, powersports line of products, the KAC-M1804 Amplifier supports the high volume demands that open vehicles require and can withstand harsh environments presented in boating, motorcycles and ATVs, and can be used in virtually any kind of vehicle.
Easily installed, the KAC-M1804 has a conformal coated main circuit board to protect against dampness, salt and vibration. A rubberized harness boot helps protect the power and speaker connections. Accessories include, wire band to affix your amp to any location and tampite-self tapping screws to ensure secure installation.
Designed to appeal to the connected-driven consumers, the KMR-M308BT head unit conveniently streams content from SiriuxXM (optional SXM-V200 tuner required), iHeart Radio, Pandora internet radio, from enabled IPhone and Android devices. All of which ensures seamless operation when on the water or driving off road.
The KMR-M308BT Receiver is one of the first of its kind to rely solely on content from digital devices, allowing consumers to Live Connected. Drive Connected. The receiver includes built-in Bluetooth, contains a 13-digit LCD display and accepts up to 6 KCA-RC35MR remotes, making it one of the top products on the market in its class.
Price and Availability
- Kenwood KAC-M1804 Compact-4-Channel Digital Amplifier is $200 and is available now.
- Kenwood KMR-M308BT Digital Media Receiver is $130 and is currently shipping.