Imagine if you lived in a world in which functions of an automobile did not all happen simultaneously and automatically. For example, you’re driving your car down the street, and the car very unexpectedly comes to a stop. This happens because the oil pump needs to circulate oil through the engine, and for this to occur the car must be at a complete standstill. Once it has finished, you may continue on your journey, but while this process is finishing, no other operations can occur within the motor. So you wait, however impatiently, however badly you need to get someplace.
That of course would never occur. Funny enough though, it does happen with computers. Whenever anti-virus, backup or defrag needs to run, most or all other activity on the system must cease. Any processes running at that time are going to come to a complete or near-halt. Functions such as backup, anti-virus and defrag can be and usually are scheduled, but whenever they are scheduled the same thing must occur: all other activity must cease, because resources need to be allocated to this one process.
Within an automobile, engine power resources are allocated in such a way that the vital function of an oil pump does not detract from the overall motive power. Imagine if the same thing were true of computers and all of their functions.
Fortunately, there is at least one vital computer system task–defrag–that can now occur just this way. Diskeeper defrag, with its proprietary InvisiTasking technology, utilizes only resources that would otherwise be idle. Resources that are needed by the system for higher-priority processes are returned when and as needed.
“The Diskeeper Server 2008 product just simply does its job hands down and it does it very efficiently,” said John DeAgro, systems administrator with MTXEPS, Inc. of Vallejo, California. “The fact that it can throttle back when resources are needed by the server is a great feature and it has improved the overall performance on our highly business-critical servers.”
Thanks to InvisiTasking, Diskeeper never requires scheduling, and because defrag is occurring whenever and wherever possible, performance is always maximized.
“Diskeeper is a great tool and it does an exceptional job on all servers that we have installed it on,” DeAgro continued. “We’re running Diskeeper with SQL Server 2005 as well as both RAID 1+0 (aka RAID 10) and SAN. We are currently running on a HP MSA1000 in both data centers with bi-directional SQL Server replication.”
One day, perhaps, all functions will be as enabled as Diskeeper, and computers will run like automobiles: you just climb in, start it up, and drive.