13 October 2005: IKONVERGENZ, the first Singapore-based R&D Centre to offer production-ready integrated digital TV (IDTV) to TV manufacturers for immediate mass production, has announced the appointment of Sunjet Components Corp as its Taiwan representative. The partnership provides Taiwanese TV manufacturers with immediate access to quality field-tested LCD TV solutions for the competitive global TV markets and will automatically attract international brands with plans to outsource to Taiwan.
“The partnership between Sunjet and IKONVERGENZ allows Taiwanese TV manufacturers immediate access to the global TV market with minimal investment and a quality tested solution,” said Torsten Frings, Managing Director of IKONVERGENZ. “Solutions are designed for manufacturing which save TV manufacturers time and money in manufacturing, logistic and warehousing.”
“IKONVERGENZ experience and strong understanding of the TV markets provide our existing customers with the necessary solutions to compete globally,” commented Frank Lin, CEO/President of Sunjet Components Corp. “Our customers are able to mass produce almost immediately to address the respective TV markets without spending too much time and money in research and development.”
The appointment of Sunjet as representative will ensure a greater presence for IKONVERGENZ in the Taiwan market. The partnership’s synergy is summarise as IKONVERGENZ knowledge and experience in digital and analogue TV and Sunjet’s existing relationship with Taiwanese TV manufacturers. IKONVERGENZ will have immediate access to Taiwanese TV manufacturers while Sunjet will be able to offer their customers with a complete line-up of production-ready digital (DVB-T / ATSC) and analogue (PAL / NTSC / SECAM) LCD TV solutions.
IKONVERGENZ Pte Ltd offers production-ready digital (DVB-T / ATSC) and analogue (PAL / NTSC / SECAM) LCD TV solutions to manufacturers for immediate mass production. Based on experience and strong understanding of the TV markets, IKONVERGENZ provides field-tested solutions that are designed-for-manufacturing, which allows TV manufacturers fast-time-to-market, lower manufacturing cost, lower inventory cost, lower logistic cost, lower dead stocks level and minimal investments in R&D. All of IKONVERGENZ solutions are field-tested in the country of sale and protected with patented intellectual properties. For more information, please visit www.ikonvergenz.com .
IKONVERGENZ, the IKONVERGENZ logo, FPD Solutions for the Senses, POLARIS, KENTAURUS, PEGASUS, DigiT VConnexx, DigiT VModul, ImageAutomiser, ContrastCompensater, 3DCombVirtual, XTENSurround, GlobalBoard and their respective logos are trademarks of IKONVERGENZ in Singapore and/or other countries.
All other company/product names and service marks may be trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies.
About Sunjet Components Corp
Sunjet Components Corp is a leading display, IT and communications components distributor. Established in May 1997, Sunjet has represented numerous organisations in the electronic components industry. The company focuses its business scope on the display and multimedia related markets, specialising in general consumer products, surveillance equipments and portable products. Sunjet’s goals are to provide its clients with the most updated market and product information, providing technical application support on behalf of the clients, while creating new business opportunities for its clients.
Donald Tan
+65.6483 1266 x 128
Jodge Liu
+886.2.22239188 x 102