In response to growing Web site traffic and increased demand for helpful information on movies, HDTV and home theater, Big Picture Big Sound is proud to announce the addition of top talent to its writing staff. Seasoned industry pundit Chris Chiarella joins the publication from Home Theater magazine where he served for ten years, most recently as the Convergence Editor for that popular consumer publication.
“We’re very excited to have Chris Chiarella on board,” says Big Picture Big Sound’s editor and co-founder Chris Boylan. “I’ve been admiring his writing in Home Theater for years. He has that rare ability to translate techno-babble into English, capturing the essentials of technology in easily digestible chunks. We also appreciate his dry wit and sense of humor – after all, we’re in the entertainment industry, so we’d like to keep it entertaining.”
Chiarella joins Big Picture Big Sound as Editor at Large, overseeing the site’s growing repertoire of Blu-ray Disc and DVD reviews, and contributing hardware reviews and home theater news reports to the site. Chiarella’s contributions will help to beef up the site’s coverage of the latest home theater gear and industry shows such as CES and CEDIA.
Joining Chris’ team as a Blu-ray Disc reviewer is Brandon A. DuHamel (formerly of Brandon is an audio/video hobbyist whose love for movies and music has recently begun spilling onto the electronic page. “We’re happy to have Brandon on the team,” says Boylan, “and hope this is the beginning of a long and mutually beneficial relationship.”
On the film review side, Big Picture Big Sound co-founder and film critic Joe Lozito was recently accepted into the prestigious Online Film Critics Society which counts Joe’s reviews toward Rotten Tomatoes’ famous “Tomatometer” – an aggregate ranking of film reviews from the world’s most respected reviewers. The Tomatometer determines if a film is “fresh” (good) or “rotten” (bad). The syndication of Lozito’s reviews on the Rotten Tomatoes web site has brought an additional bump in Web site traffic.
About Big Picture Big Sound
Big Picture Big Sound, launched in 2005, has more than quadrupled its traffic in two years, with over 80,000 unique visitors and 175,000 page views per month. According to independent auditing firm, Quantcast, the site’s primary demographic is male (74%), college educated (75%) with household incomes over $60,000 (59%). Big Picture Big Sound’s movie reviews are syndicated in Google News, Internet Movie, Movie Review Query Engine and Rotten Tomatoes. The site’s home theater how-to articles, news and equipment reviews are syndicated in Google News, and The Web site recently passed a total of 2,000,000 page views since its launch and continues to grow in traffic every quarter.