Samsung Survey Says 43 Percent of Football Fans Are Likely to Visit In-Laws If They Owned an HDTV
Samsung Electronics America, the market leader in HDTVs and the Official HDTV of the NFL and Super Bowl XLIII, today announced additional findings from a recently commissioned survey. The survey revealed that an HDTV can entice your spouse to visit the in-laws, even for the Super Bowl, if it means viewing football in high definition.
According to the survey, Americans, football fans or not, agree there is no better place to watch the game than at home when there is a high definition television in place. However, the survey also found that football fans are willing to take the show on the road, even to the in-laws, if they had the right incentive. More than four in ten (43%) football fans would be more likely to visit their in-laws if they had an HDTV to watch the game. Among this group, men are more likely than women to visit the in-laws if there was an HDTV waiting for them (50% vs. 34%).
The survey also revealed surprising results about the football-viewing experience in relation to food. Eighty-one percent of football fans say that TV picture quality is more important than the food while watching football on television. With TV size and HD capability as the most important features considered in viewing football on TV, high definition television comes out as the number one accessory for any football fan.
Despite the current economic conditions, football fans consider HDTV a worthwhile investment.
“As we get closer to the Super Bowl, football fans across the nation will be gearing up to watch The Big Game with their friends and families,” said John Revie, senior vice president of Visual Display Marketing for Samsung Electronics America. “As the official HDTV of the NFL and Super Bowl XLIII, Samsung believes in delivering the best HD-viewing experience as part of the overall football-viewing at home.”
The purpose of the survey, Pigskin Power: Football fans have a special bond with their televisions, was to explore the level and type of influence TV has on the football-viewing experience among Americans. The commissioned survey was conducted by Kelton Research among a nationally representative sample of 1,011 Americans, male and female, ages 18 and over.
*All decimals are rounded to the nearest percentage point.