…Swisscom Is The First Operator In Europe To Launch A Fully Featured Mobile Msn Messenger And Hotmail Service…
London, United Kingdom — 30 November 2005: Followap, the leading provider of Presence solutions, today announced it is providing the Mobile Messaging Gateway (MMG) in IXI Mobile’s Ogo mobile messaging device and end-to-end service that delivers MSN Messenger and mobile MSN Hotmail applications. Swisscom Mobile’s 4 million customers now have access to these popular internet messaging services while on the go.
Customers of Swisscom Mobile, Switzerland’s leading telecoms company, can access their MSN Messenger and MSN Hotmail services using IXI’s Ogo — a mass-market, on-the-go messaging device with a QWERTY keyboard and a large screen, available worldwide. The device connects users to their MSN Messenger service and to their MSN Hotmail as well as POP3 and IMAP4 email accounts, allowing them to easily utilise the full power of mobile IM and email.
Damian Black, Vice President Business Development, Followap, said: “Instant messaging and email services on mobile devices are becoming a very important messaging tool worldwide — there is strong consumer demand. Swisscom subscribers are able to get the richest MSN Instant messaging and Email experience, on a device that makes them easy to use and is very user friendly. This in turn provides the operator with a potentially significant additional revenue source, as mobile IM and email is seen as a major growth opportunity.”
About Followap’s Mobile Messaging Gateway (MMG)
The iFollow MMG enables mobilization of branded consumer IM and Email services. Mobile operators can create a stream of new revenues by providing their subscribers with access to their Internet communities of choice, such as MSN Messenger and Hotmail, using a large variety of mobile clients. iFollow MMG is a telecom grade solution integrated with operator network elements and customer care systems for superior service quality and includes flexible billing modules to support sophisticated marketing plans.