From Plasma TV’s and HD DVD Players to surround sound systems and advanced gaming, today’s homes contain more electronics than ever. With this automation comes an increased vulnerability to the effects of surges.
One lightning storm could cost a homeowner thousands, even tens of thousands of dollars worth of damage to the electronics in a home. Once a surge enters a home and damages the electronic components, the homeowner is forced to embark on a time-consuming and frustrating journey. One must:
Diagnose all of the issues
Attempt to find all locations of damage
Weave through multiple warranty issues
Locate replacement products
Contact numerous service departments
A homeowner can help protect against such damage with a comprehensive approach to surge protection. Eaton’s surge suppression products offer the homeowner a whole-home approach, a 2-stage system, to surge protection.
Stage I: Service Entrance Protection is designed to provide premier surge protection for AC power, telephone and cable at the point of entrance to the home. Protection at this location can reduce surges to an acceptable level for surge strips to handle at the point of use.
Stage II: Point of use surge strips are designed to offer premier surge protection for specific electronics while providing innovative features to enhance user convenience safety.
Protect your home’s valuable electronics from damaging surges with Eaton’s Complete Home Surge Protection Products.
***If you would like more information or wish to obtain hi-res photos or a demonstration video, please contact eric.ash@mullen.com.