Spiceland, Indiana — How many times have you wished you could get the projector (and its noise) out of your home theatre? Draper’s Revelation, the first projector mount that permanently hides your LCD/DLP projector above the ceiling, is perfect.
Draper’s Revelation comes in two sizes to fit into tight quarters above the ceiling. A small door in the ceiling conceals a first-surface mirror. Touch a switch and the mirror lowers 45°, reflecting the projected image onto the screen. Meanwhile, the projector remains out of sight above the ceiling. Revelation adds to the aesthetics of the room and requires minimal ceiling space. In addition, Draper’s glass shield isolates the projector from the room and virtually eliminates all fan noise. Add a plenum housing to help protect your valuable projector from smoke and dust.
For more information on Draper’s patented Revelation, visit Draper on the Web at www.draperinc.com.