Automatic defragmentation now available for all virtual systems
Diskeeper Corporation announced today that its Diskeeper 2008 defragmenter has partnered with VMware to deliver maximum performance and reliability to virtual systems.
All servers suffer from file fragmentation. Virtual ones suffer even more so due to fragmentation taking place at both the physical and virtual levels. Without a professional grade defragmenter designed to address these issues, performance will surely slow to a crawl.
“As virtual machines share a common hardware platform, excessive and unnecessary use of hardware/storage resources by one VM slows not only the requesting VM, but all other VMs on that platform,” notes Diskeeper Product Manager, Michael Materie.
“Defragmentation of VMware hosted Windows’ operating systems with Diskeeper 2008 ensures optimized I/O traffic is generated by every VM–increasing performance for the entire VMware infrastructure.”
For an accompanying virtualization white paper, go to 0000090miCAAQ or call 800-829-6468.
Download free VMware compatible trialware at
About Diskeeper Corporation–Innovators in Performance and Reliability Technologies:
With over 31 million licenses sold, small offices to large corporations rely on Diskeeper software to provide unparalleled performance and reliability to their laptops, desktops and servers. Diskeeper Corporation further provides real-time data protection and real-time data recovery with Undelete 2009.
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