Crowson Technology, LLC
6440 Via Real Suite 3
Carpinteria, CA 93013
(888) 4-CROWSON (toll free)
Contact: Rachel Elbinger
(805) 745-8324 P
(805) 745-8329 F
News Release For Immediate Release
Partnerships and New Developments Aim to Give Customers More Control
Santa Barbara County, CA., October 19, 2005 — Crowson Technology has officially launched exciting updates to their existing home theater products as well as several new concepts. The company best known for its revolutionary Linear Actuator, the TES 100, which allows enthusiasts to integrate motion into their movie and music experiences, has been working to provide customers with the ability to customize their products to best suit their needs.
At the 2005 CEDIA Expo in Indianapolis, Crowson Technology introduced several new options for the TES 100, including the choice of color and mounting abilities. Crowson’s actuators are now offered in both the standard gray and a new black “Shadow Option.” In addition, partnerships with five high-end seating manufacturers (Fortress, Elite, Cineak, Summit and Continental Seating) have spawned the TES100M, allowing customers to obtain Crowson transducers as a factory-installed, permanently mounted option.
One partnership in particular has garnered a great deal of interest from enthusiasts. Fortress Seating has developed a high-end theatre seat optimized for the motion delivered by Crowson’s TES 100. Officially named the Sentient Recliner, the chair can be custom built-to-order in a limitless array of configurations for multi-seat theatres. The Sentient includes Crowson’s new TES100M (Mountable) actuators, which are recessed into the recliner for seamless aesthetic integration. Other features include a light and rigid construction for optimal motion transfer, as well as a built in headphone jack.
In addition to their new products, Crowson has announced a new affiliate program, the Crowson Circle, which will enable past, present and future customers to share stories, installation tips, favorite tactile movie clips, theatre photos and essentially any information they wish via a Crowson Blog. “We recognize that the only way to truly experience our product is first hand.” commented Crowson VP John Yi. “In the near future there will be a rewards program for those in the (Crowson) Circle who are willing to give in-home demos to other potential customers.” The Crowson Blog will provide these customers with a network to share lessons-learned, experiences, and feedback.
Crowson Technology, LLC, is a home entertainment technology development company based in Santa Barbara County, California. Led by President and Chief Engineer Randolph Crowson, Crowson Technology is committed to the highest quality in manufacturing, design, and customer service. Crowson products are hand-assembled and individually tested to meticulous standards in the USA.