Most businesses rely heavily on their computer network system to maintain efficient and cohesive practices inside the workplace. When that network experiences a glitch or slow computer performance the productivity and profitability of a business often suffers.
While most companies go to great length to ensure their computers are outfitted with the latest anti-virus software and spam blocking capabilities they often overlook a piece of software that is equally as important as virus protection and spam filters.
Defragmentation software, commonly referred to as defrag, essentially keeps your computer running at its optimal speed. Computers will naturally slow down as they get older, over time they experience a bit of drag and it may appear as if the only solution is purchasing the newest model. The truth is businesses can save themselves a lot of time and money by opting to utilize software that is designed to keep their computers running at, or near, their original speed.
It’s not very often that we hear about fragmentation, often the leading culprit in slow computer performance. Every day we are inundated with stories about a new virus that could potentially destroy our computer or a high profile spammer that has managed to capture our information and now sends endless emails that fill our inbox. Rarely do we come across the term fragmentation and even rarer is the offer of an affordable solution to the problem.
When we talk about fragmentation we’re simply talking about how our computers store and retrieve data. Each time we modify a file, save new information, or delete an existing file we run the risk of fragmentation. Computers save information in space designated as blocks and when one block is full a computer will begin storing information in another block. Problems arise when an existing file we have fits neatly in a block but when modified it can no longer be placed in the same space it the block. The computer’s solution is, in essence, to cut the file into pieces and place it in free space in different blocks. When we try to retrieve that file at a later date it takes time for the computer to find each of those pieces and deliver it to our screen.
For businesses that are constantly modifying data that they have stored on their computers the issue of fragmentation becomes a serious threat to productivity. The problems associated with fragmentation don’t receive the media spotlight like a fatal virus or excessive spam do but, left untreated, can cause as much damage, if not more, than the other two.
The simple solution for businesses who want to prevent fragmentation is software designed to eradicate slow computer performance. Defragmentation software is a method of reorganizing your hard drive so that each piece of a fragmented file is rejoined and saved in the same space inside a block. To prevent these files from future fragmentation each block is provided with enough space to accommodate modifications of a file.
By utilizing defragmentation software a business can ensure that their files are easily accessible and no longer susceptible to the long delays associated with fragmentation.
Businesses facing the problem of a slow computer network should consider the benefits associated with defragmentation software before they spend an excessive amount of money on a computer technician. Often times the solution is as simple as a piece of software that can be purchased at any computer retail shop.