MINNEAPOLIS, July 20, 2005 — Best Buy Co., Inc. (NYSE:BBY): In compliance with our policy not to carry adult-only (AO) games, Best Buy is immediately taking steps to remove all copies of the now AO-rated game Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas from all of our North American stores. Earlier today, the ESRB adjusted the game’s rating from Mature (M) to AO. We also have stopped selling the game on bestbuy.com, bestbuy.ca and futureshop.ca. This decision applies to both the game console and PC formats. Our decision reflects the commitment we have to our customers to help them make informed decisions. Best Buy is a strong proponent of the ESRB ratings system. We will continue to work with them to ensure that the ratings system is a meaningful way to help customers make educated video game purchases. With our decision to stop selling Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas, we hope to send a strong message to game developers encouraging full cooperation with the ESRB.
About Best Buy Co., Inc.
Best Buy Co., Inc. (NYSE:BBY) is an innovative Fortune 100 growth company that continually strives to create superior customer experiences. Through more than 840 retail stores across the United States and in Canada, our employees connect customers with technology and entertainment products and services that make life easier and more fun. We sell consumer electronics, home-office products, entertainment software, appliances and related services. A Minneapolis-based company, our operations include: Best Buy (BestBuy.com and BestBuy.ca), Future Shop (FutureShop.ca), Geek Squad (GeekSquad.com and GeekSquad.ca) and Magnolia Audio Video (Magnoliaav.com). We support our communities through employee volunteerism and grants from The Best Buy Children’s Foundation.
Best Buy Co., Inc., Minneapolis
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