Vero Beach, Fla–Broadband National’s comprehensive online service enables builders and developers to quickly evaluate broadband solutions and pricing for their projects and tenants from more than 40 different suppliers nationwide. Broadband services include DSL, Cable Internet, Internet Telephony (VoIP), bundled voice and data, and leased-lines (T-1 and fractional T-1).
By utilizing Broadband National’s website, builders and developers are able to provide their customers with a single source solution for all of their broadband needs, The system enables Broadband National to serve as the source for service selection, contract negotiation, order processing and provision management — providing builders and developers with a no hassle means to provide broadband and VoIP technologies for their clients and building projects.
The Company’s service, powered by its proprietary IBIS software system, enables users to instantly compare broadband solutions offered by more than 40 different suppliers, including Covad, ITC DeltaCom, SpeakEasy and Comcast. Broadband solutions include Digital Subscriber Line (DSL), Voice over IP (VoIP), T-1 and fractional T-1 lines. Hundreds of businesses such as Starbucks, the U.S. Postal Service, Cole Haan and Northrup Grumman use Broadband National as their convenient, one-stop resource.
John Granth of Proctor Construction states, “Broadband National’s service has been invaluable to our company and tenants, after the hurricanes of 2004 we were inundated with renovation and rebuild business. Broadband National delivered us instantaneous broadband and telecom results for all our job sites, saving us a tremendous amount of time and money”. Broadband National President Vinny Olmstead goes on to state, “We understand that builders and developers want to focus on what they do best and that’s build, we takes the guess work, leg work and labor out of offering broadband solutions that more and more people are demanding, it can also provide developers and builders with an added benefit over their competition.”
Broadband National’s IBIS platform is the leading consumer and commercial broadband aggregation platform. For more information on platform use, business development and strategic partnerships, please contact David Bayer, Broadband National’s Director of Business Development, at 321-256-0112.
For Broadband National press or investor relations inquiries, please contact Mark Ballard at 772-539-0618 or visit