We received word early last week that Bob Carver was in a serious car accident the prior weekend. So serious that he will be unable to attend the upcoming CEDIA. Though it was a heck of an accident (and not his fault) we are pleased to report that he is doing well and expected to make a full recovery. Below is a note that Bob asked me to pass along to you.
< !-quote-!>quote:To My Many Friends in the Press:
Ever been minding your own business only to be blind-sided by something unforeseen? I’m not talking about the typical advice column stuff magazines are made of, but LITERALLY blind-sided? Well, that’s what happened to me last Saturday night in Seattle when I was hit from behind by a drunk driver. Police estimate he was going about 100 miles per hour!
There isn’t much left of my car and I took a really good shot to the back, but the good news is I will eventually be OK! Though it will be a long, slow process, the doctors expect me to make a full recovery. My Dad was with me too and though a bit banged up too, he will be allright as well.
Due to all this “excitement,” I am sad to say that I will not be able to attend CEDIA this year and see all of you. Sunfire will be showing some fantastic new products, including a new high-performance line called XT-Series, and I was really looking forward to personally showing them to you. I’ll have to take a rain-check on my part of the deal, but I encourage you to visit my colleagues at the Sunfire booth and let us know what you think!
One more thing: Remember to always wear your seat belt!
Warmest Regards,
Bob< !-/quote-!>
Please stop by and see us at CEDIA. Sunfire Booth 159. Ask for Peter Hoagland, Eric Harper or Mark Weisenberg.