Advantages in retail, Hollywood support, and the PS3 push Blu-ray ahead
As consumers continue to embrace more high-definition products and services, next-generation DVD players are poised to experience significant growth over the next five years, according to a new report from Parks Associates titled Next Generation DVD Players: Will History Repeat? The new report estimates that, with set-top box models and game consoles combined, more than 32 million Blu-ray and HD DVD players will be sold in United States by 2011, an 85% s increase from the 4.9 million units estimated to be sold in 2007.
“Purchasing or renting DVDs will continue to be a dominant way for consumers to view content,” stated Chris Roden, Research Analyst at Parks Associates. “What has yet to be determined is which format will become the standard, HD DVD or Blu-ray?” According to the report, consumer confusion is still prevalent with less than 10% of U.S. consumers stating that they are familiar with the HD DVD or Blu-ray formats.
“However, we are starting to see the pendulum swing slowly in one direction,” said Roden. “Recent retail developments, support from major Hollywood studios, and inclusion of the format in the PlayStation 3 puts the Blu-ray format in the lead.”
In Next Generation DVD Players: Will History Repeat?, Parks Associates investigates consumer preferences and industry support for the competing DVD formats, with analysis of market strategies and adoption and a prediction of the outcome in this standards battle