Inaugural business executive summit addresses the technologies and services competing to transform the living room into a digital hub.
Los Angeles, CA (Feb. 8, 2005) — iHollywood Forum Inc. today announced the speaker lineup and agenda for the DIGITAL LIVING ROOM and Venture Forum, the definitive conference March 7–8, 2005 at the San Francisco Airport Crowne Plaza Hotel (Foster City). The thought leader summit will feature the executives, journalists and analysts defining consumers’ digital lives,
including: Wall Street Journal Personal Technology Columnist Walter Mossberg, Real Networks Chairman and CEO Rob Glaser, Sony Digital Entertainment President Yair Landau and many others.
View the complete agenda and speaker line up at
“This is the year the Digital Living Room becomes a reality,” said iHollywood Forum CEO and Founder Michael Stroud. “Media centers, broadband wireless connections, digital music and video, HDTV — all are available and affordable. Venture capital is flowing. I’m thrilled that the leaders in this new consumer revolution will be speaking at our conference. We address the battle among PC makers, Baby Bells, cable operators, consumer electronics companies and software companies for control of the digital living room.”
The Digital Living Room will explore the changes rocking consumer electronics, entertainment and communications, and the implications for how consumers listen to music, watch movies and television, play games, communicate and access media. The conference will launch with a keynote by the Wall Street Journal’s Walter Mossberg about trends in the digital living room, followed by a fireside chat between Walt Mossberg, Rob Glaser, and Yair Landau.
Other sessions at the conference include:
The PC/TV connection
Protecting digital rights in a world of multiple devices The rise of consumer Voice-Over-IP (VoIP) Personal video recorders: into the mainstream
HDTV: what’s on next
Scramble for the set-top
Reinventing music
Transforming consumer experiences of digital imaging and video Untangling the home network The unwired living room Killer apps and gadgets I want my IPTV!
Next-gen games
Any video, anywhere
Sessions will be moderated by some of the nation’s top technology and business journalists, including: Wall Street Journal Columnists Walter Mossberg and Lee Gomes; CNET Editor-in-Chief Pat Houston; PC Magazine Editor-in-Chief Michael Miller; PC World Editor-in-Chief Harry McCracken; Always On Network Founder and Editor Tony Perkins; USA Today Technology Reporter Jefferson Graham; Los Angeles Times Technology Reporter Jon Healey; Wired Magazine Products Editor Robert Capps; and San Jose Mercury News Staff Writer Dean Takahashi.
Panels will also include insights from top analysts, including: Gartner Group Vice President Van Baker, Enderle Group Principal Rob Enderle, Parks Associates VP and Principal Analyst Kurt Scherf, Jupiter Research Research Director Julie Ask, and IMS Research Vice President Ian Weightman.
Sponsors include:
Silver: Microsoft and Mediabolic
Bronze: Digital 5, Kasenna, Pepper Computers, Adimos, ViXS, Pulse, and ACD Systems Media and Association Partners: The Hollywood Reporter, Rogers & Cowan, DiMa, Business Wire, Always On, CNET, AeA, Larta Institute, Internet Home Alliance, CEDIA, MoCA, VESA, 1394 Trade Association, WiMedia Alliance, DLNA, CCIA, The Wi-Fi Technology Forum, Digital Lifestyles Resource Center, VC Task Force, Home Toys.
Research Partners: Parks Associates, ABI Research, IMS Research.
Specially selected conference attendees will also have the opportunity to pitch for funding before top Silicon Valley venture capitalists and strategic investors. Deluxe ticket holders will be allowed to view the funding sessions. Entrepreneurs interested in being considered for the pitch sessions are invited to submit free applications at
VC judges include:
**Redpoint Ventures’ Geoff Yang
**Bessemer Venture Partners Partner, Jeremy Levine **Mayfield Managing Director, Allen Morgan **Allegis Capital Partner, Robert Ackerman **Samsung Ventures America’s, Stanley Kim **Intel Capital Director of Strategic Developments, Mike Buckley **Charles River Ventures Partner, George Zachary **Best Buy Corporate Development executive, Kuk Yi.
Attendees will attend a live focus group of consumers and have the opportunity to ask their own questions.
The complete list of Digital Living Room presenting companies and speakers
Brian Martin, Chief Executive Officer
**ABI Research
Vamsi Sistla, Director, Broadband and Residential Entertainment Technologies **Adimos Sandeep Kumar, President and Chief Executive Officer **Akimbo Josh Goldman, Chief Executive Officer **Allegis Capital Robert Ackerman, Partner **AlwaysOn Network Tony Perkins, Founder **AMD Fred Weber, Chief Technology Officer **Apple Peter Lowe, Director of Marketing for Applications and Services **Bessemer Venture Partners Jeremy Levine, Partner **Best Buy Kuk Yi, Corporate Development **Charles River Ventures George Zachary, Partner **CNET Networks Inc.
Pat Houston, Editor-in-Chief
David Britts, Partner
Computer & Communications Industry Association Edward Black, President and Chief Executive Officer **Current Analysis Larry Hettick, Vice President, Wireline Solutions **Digeo Bert Kolde, Chief Operations Officer **Digital 5 Mike Harris, President **Discovery HD Theater and VOD Clint Stinchcomb, Senior Vice President and General Manager **Electronic Arts Jessica Lewis, Development Director **EMI Recorded Music Ted Cohen, Senior Vice President, Digital Distribution and Delivery **Enderle Group Rob Enderle, Principal **Entropic Communications Ladd Wardani Vice President Business Development, and Multimedia Over Coax Alliance (MoCA) President **Frey Technologies /Sage TV Mike Machado, President **Gartner Van Baker, Vice President, Consumer Electronic Products **HP Tom Anderson,Vice President of Marketing, Consumer PC Global Business Unit **IBM Dick Anderson, General Manager, Global Digital Media **iHollywood Forum Michael Stroud, Founder **IMS Research Ian Weightman, Vice President **Intel Capital Mike Buckley, Director Digital Home Investments **Internet Home Alliance Kristine Stewart, President **Jupiter Research Julie Ask, Research Director **Kasenna Mark Gray, Chief Executive Officer **Kodak Nancy Carr, Vice President, Digital and Applied Imaging **Los Angeles Times Jon Healey, Technology Reporter **Mayfield Allen Morgan, Managing Director **Macrovision Corp.
Todd Basche Senior Vice President, Engineering and Products **Mediabolic Dan Putterman, Chief Executive Officer **Microsoft Joe Belfiore, General Manager, eHome **Motorola Dan Moloney, President, Connected Home Solutions Business and Executive Vice President **NetGear Patrick Lo, Chief Executive Officer **Orb Networks James Behrens, Chief Executive Officer **Parks Associates Kurt Scherf, Vice President and Principal Analyst **PC Magazine Michael Miller, Editor-in-Chief, Executive Vice President and Editorial Director Ziff Davis **PC World Harry McCracken, Editor-in-Chief **Pepper Computer Len Kawell, Chief Executive Officer **Prismiq Ken Goldsholl, Chief Executive Officer **Pure Networks Tim Dowling, Chief Executive Officer and President **Puremac Digital/IP-DTV Allan McLennan, Managing Partner **RealNetworks **Redpoint Ventures Geoff Yang, Founder **Roku Anthony Wood, Chief Executive Officer and Founder **Samsung Electronics Joe Virginia, Vice President, LCD Division **Samsung Venture Partners Stanley Kim, Partner **San Jose Mercury News Dean Takahashi, Staff writer **SBC Communications Ed Cholerton, Chief Executive Officer, SBC Media Solutions LLC and Vice President, SBC DSL **Scientific-Atlanta Dave Davies, Vice President, Product Strategy and Management **Simple Star Chad Richard, Chief Executive Officer **Skype Niklas Zennstrom, Chief Executive Officer and Co-Founder (via telephony
**Sling Media
Blake Krikorian, Chief Executive Officer **Stormfront Studios Don Daglow, President and Chief Executive Officer **Tivo Edward Lichty, Vice President, Business Development **USA Today Jefferson Graham, Technology Reporter **ViewSonic Gene Ornstead, Director of Advanced TV Products **ViXS Systems Sally Daub, Chief Executive Officer **Vonage Jeff Citron, Chief Executive Officer **Wall Street Journal Lee Gomes, Columnist **Walt Disney Corp.
Bob Lambert, Senior Vice President, Worldwide Media Delivery **Wired Magazine Robert Capps, Products Editor **WiMedia Alliance Glyn Roberts, President **Yahoo! Photos Jeff Stoddard, Director **Zoran Levi Gerzberg, Chief Executive Officer
The conference will also be a showcase for cutting-edge technologies and services in the Digital Living Room. Sponsors will have the opportunity to exhibit, present to the audience and, where appropriate, sit on panels.
Companies interested in sponsorship opportunities for the Digital Living Room showcase should contact iHollywood Forum’s sales team at 310 566 7744.
Sponsorships benefits include speaking, giving a demo to the audience, exhibitor table, press list and tickets.
About iHollywood Forum, Inc.
Founded in 2000, Los Angeles-based iHollywood Forum, Inc., produces cutting-edge roundtables and conferences about digital entertainment and mobile technology. The summits attract a diverse mix of Hollywood and Silicon Valley executives, entrepreneurs, technology executives, attorneys and others to learn and make deals in an intimate environment. Sessions are typically moderated by top journalists and analysts. Other conferences produced by iHollywood Forum include the Mobile Entertainment Summit at CTIA, Music 2.0, Mobile Media World (formerly iWireless World), Impact!
(entertainment marketing) and the Digital Media Summit. More information is available at Digital Living Room is a registered trademark of iHollywood Forum, Inc.
Complimentary admission for qualified media outlets ONLY available by pre-registration; no press passes issued on site. Limited press passes available and must be pre-approved in writing. Send your contact information with press outlet and article links to editorial content to the office below for consideration. Qualified analysts may inquire about the analyst discount