LG Electronics unveiled the Optimus 4X HD, their first Quad-Core processor smartphone, which combines NVIDIA's latest 1.5GHz Tegra 3 with True HD IPS 4.7-inch...
LG Electronics introduced the Optimus L3, a basic Android smartphone with a 3.2-inch display as part of their new L-Style design series. L-Style elements...
Verizon Wireless and LG Mobile introduced the Lucid, a slim and compact 4-inch Android 4G LTE smartphone protected by Corning Gorilla Glass for improved...
Sprint just released the LG Viper 4G LTE smartphone (model LS840), touting eco-friendly features along with unlimited data plans for a $99 Android phone....
LG Electronics announced an 11.6-inch tablet-notebook hybrid device equipped with Long Term Evolution (LTE) technology for a high speed internet experience. This powerful tablet...
LG Electronics just introduced the first smartphone that curves around your face. The LG G Flex incorporates proprietary innovations from other LG companies in...
LG Electronics today released the G3 Android global smartphone, developed under the Simple is the New Smart concept. The 5.5-inch screen sized phone offers double the resolution...
LG today announced G Watch powered by Android Wear, Google’s new operating system which extends the Android platform to wearables. As a wrist wearable...