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Existing Sprint and Nextel Customers Will Continue With Current Services and Plans OVERLAND PARK, Kan. & RESTON, Va., Aug. 12, 2005 – Sprint (NYSE:FON)...
Survey Underscores Need for Industry Involvement in Consumer Archiving Awareness ARLINGTON, VA, Aug. 12, 2005 – Even as they increase in popularity, camera phones...
UK based telecoms messaging specialist MyJotter.com today announced the launch of its new voice-to-text solution. The service, available now to UK mobile users, enables...
Contact: Melody Chalaban Public Relations Manager (310) 604-2347 melodych@belkin.com FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE New “Strong Security Made Simple,” Guest Access, and Wireless Networking Utility enhancements...
DALLAS, TX, August 11, 2005 — UMAX Technologies today announced it is expanding on its award winning line of consumer and professional scanners with...
UNION CITY, CALIFORNIA — August 8, 2005 — Runco International, the world leader in high-end home cinema video display technology, is lining up an...
For Immediate Release Contact: Jenny Barrett Parks Associates 972-490-1113 Email: jenny@parksassociates.com Hollywood@Home Dallas, Texas August 11th, 2005 — F marketingour million U.S. households are...
Acceleration will Adversely Affect Consumers, Manufacturers and the DTV Transition — The Government Should Stick to Its Timetable, say CEA and CERC Arlington, VA,...