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Bill Earnest Sarah Jackson Director of Marketing Senior Account Executive Wayne-Dalton SBC Public Relations 330-763-8065 614-891-7070 ext. 335 bearnest@wayne-dalton.com sjackson@sbcadvertising.com FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE WAYNE-DALTON...
Leviton Expands Vizia Collection with Z-Wave-Enabled Wireless Home Control Devices Wireless Technology Delivers Reliable Lighting and Home Control Denver, September 14, 2006 — Leviton...
Intermatic, Inc. Ruder Finn Intermatic Plaza 211 E Ontario, 16th FL Spring Grove, IL 60081-9698 Chicago, IL 60611 (815) 675-2321 (312) 329-3911 www.intermatic.com FAX...
Universal Electronics to Provide Control at Fingertips for SIRIUS Satellite Radio Service Accessible Anywhere Within the Home UEI innovation extends wireless control capabilities to...
FOR IMMEDIATE DISTRIBUTION Media Contact: Kristie Heins Fox Ruder Finn for Zensys 312.329.3985 heinsfoxk@ruderfinn.com Z-Wave Wins Prestigious 2006 Wall Street Journal Technology Innovation Award...
San Jose, CA–(Sept. 13, 2006)–Denon has announced the introduction of two new DVD players that will feature HQV processing. The Denon DVD-3930CI (MSRP $1499)...
San Jose, CA–(Sept. 13, 2006)–Cinetron Technology Inc. (headquartered in Hsinchu, Taiwan) has introduced the HD-900 1080p projector. The HD-900 features three ultrafine LCoS panels,...
Intelligent Speaker Selectors in 2-, 4- and 6-Room Models are IR Controllable from any Room and Ensure Maximum Power and Optimum Impedance DENVER, CO...