Professional audio mix engineers can now use Audeze's Maxwell headphones with Embody's virtual production software to create spatial audio mixes with head tracking.
Update: On June 4, 2024, HiFiMAN introduced the successor to SUSVARA called the SUSVARA UNVEILED. HiFiMAN today announced the introduction of a new, planar...
At $299, beyerdynamic’s over-ear wired gaming headset features the same STELLAR.45 driver found in the company's professional headphones for improved sound.
At $8,000, the flagship HiFiMAN SUSVARA UNVEILED planar-magnetic headphones offer a complete open design (without grilles) to eliminate undesired sound reflections.
HiFiMAN announced a $3,000 full-size planar magnetic headphone, the HE1000, intended for reference use in the home or studio. Assuming the position as the...
beyerdynamic announced their new top Pro series open-back headphone for mixing and mastering. The $600 DT 1990 PRO studio headphones follow the closed-back DT...