Wii charging


New member
Username: Tommy_h

Post Number: 4
Registered: Jan-12
I can't get my wii remotes to charge on the flat panel charger after a whole week. It's new system whats wrong?

Platinum Member
Username: Project6

Post Number: 16013
Registered: Dec-03
What model flat charger? What rechargebale batteries are you using?

New member
Username: Tommy_h

Post Number: 7
Registered: Jan-12
Wii slim induction charger kit. Black with rechargable battery packs and flat panel induction charger. go's with my new black special edition system. it say's it will charge with the silicon gloves on , but i even took them off to charge and still not charged . This is my second set charger system. .The battery packs are NiMH and special to battery cover as there one unit. Say's rocket fish but no model number.

Platinum Member
Username: Project6

Post Number: 16014
Registered: Dec-03
That Rocketfish unit has been buggy. If it does not charge within 4 hours, you have a defective unit. Did it work the first time or has it always had a problem since you bought it?

New member
Username: Tommy_h

Post Number: 9
Registered: Jan-12
Light's never turned green alway's red. the first unit charged only one remote. This unit still has red led and dead battery's.

Platinum Member
Username: Project6

Post Number: 16022
Registered: Dec-03
Yup, that's a bad sign. If your batteries are no longer capable of taking a charge, you have to replace them. How old are the batteries? They are usually good up to 300 charges, and after that they taper off very quickly and willnot longer hold a charge.

If it has never held a charge since you purchased them, you have a bad unit. Return or replace.
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