My ps2 is a slim ps2. I place it on top of my cable box. That turned out to be a very bad idea! I had not noticed that the box was a big source of heat. And there has not been any probloms till yesterday. What happened was that my ps2 eventually overheated. It wont play certain games the way they are supposed to. My games dont have any scratches on them. So they should be working fine. The sounds that are supposed to be good sounds are (ka-chunk-ka-chunk) then a gentle whirring sound. but after the overheating, the sounds are (short strong whirring sound-Whiine-whiine)then the game starts. But when im playing this game, the dialouge is a broken record. same with the backround music too.Remember all my games are in perfect condition so i dont know whats up with this disc. and with another game, i would put the disc in the ps2, start it up, and hear this cross between vent fan and whirring sound. then it would just go to the menu. I would start the game from the browser, hear those sounds again, and it would just bring me back to the browser with out a red error screen. I may have made it sound more difficult than it already is but hopefully someone may be able to help me!