A Blu Ray for the Xbox 360


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Username: Bishopgow

Post Number: 1
Registered: May-07
I just got an e-mail from my cousin in Japan who said that on www.2ch.et there is a thread that Microsoft are going to be releasing an external Blu Ray Drive for the Xbox 360 before Christmas in the US. I have an Xbox 360 and I can't afford to be spending more money on my console. Here's the e-mail.

Bad news for HD-DVD as Microsoft goes Blu

Article by Rachel Konrad 06/04/07 The Associated Press

There is Bad news on the horizon for X-Box 360's HD-DVD Drive owners as Peter Moore told Rachel Konrad on a recent trip to Japan while entering negotiations with Pioneer. Microsoft's Xbox corporate VP of worldwide marketing and publishing Peter Moore told Japanese site ITmedia that the imminent release of the Blu-ray Xbox 360 peripheral could appear for the system before Christmas. Moore admitted that Microsoft's opinion on HD-DVD as the Next Generation format winner is bleak with the worst-case scenario being a repeat of the Beta vs.VHS war of the '80s. Moore also added Microsoft is giving the consumers the most cutting edge technology out there and In this moment in time Blu-Ray is that.

As per usual Peter Moore couldn't help but have a go at Sony and the PS3 "However, he suggested that whatever the outcome of the HD-DVD/Blu-ray war, the Xbox 360 can adopt the dominant format since its uses an external drive. He also suggested that it's a weak point for PlayStation 3, saying Sony's system is stuck with only 1 format. Microsoft announced the Blu-Ray peripheral will connect to the Xbox 360 using one of the system's USB ports. Moore once again confirmed that the Blu Ray add-on for the Xbox 360 is only for watching movies, and there are currently no plans to use it for games, nor are there plans to release an Xbox 360 with an internal Blu Ray drive.
Linkage : http://www.itmedia.co.jp/news/articles/0704/27/news082.html
Related Articles : http://www.engadget.com/2007/05/02/pioneers-bdc-2202-300-blu-ray-drive-heads-for -the-states/

New member
Username: Ravynx

San Antonio, TX US

Post Number: 2
Registered: May-07
Pretty sweet. Good move on Microsoft. Sony took a risk in making the internal drive a blu-ray one, but it sucks that you have to shell out an extra $200 for which-ever drive on the Xbox. Only time will tell on which one becomes the standard drive.

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Username: Latinrage69

Post Number: 1
Registered: May-07
the first link doesn't work.
the link to itmedia talks about the poor sale of the ps3 during the holiday season.
the link to engadget talks about a $300 blu-ray COMPUTER drive, not an xbox 360 add-on drive.
the last link is from a rumor from January 2006. it's a year old rumor with no proof.
thread failed.

Platinum Member
Username: Project6

Post Number: 13965
Registered: Dec-03
What a load of crap.

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Username: Basshead86


Post Number: 9957
Registered: Aug-05

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Username: Fred333

Post Number: 3
Registered: Oct-07
I was getting my hopes all up too. Oh well I guess I will have to just go and buy a PS3.


Silver Member
Username: Magfan


Post Number: 109
Registered: Oct-07
Does this mean that X-Box games will continue to come on HD and BR is only for movies?
I continue to put off buying a game system until the 'war' is settled and peace declared.

I look forward to the ultimate BS where computers end up with one format (HD or BR) while game systems /or home entertainment end up with the OTHER.

Another shuck brought to you by the same folks that kicked Beta under a bus and continues to sponser upgrade fever for the sake of profits only.

IF Microshaft DOES go HD (I don't believe it), what happens to all the stuff already out there?
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