Bronze Member
Username: Mwyant19

Arlington, Texas Usa

Post Number: 43
Registered: Mar-07
yo hear me out, i know it sounds like total BS or a scam but it does actually work. I heard about it on the radio so i figured it couldnt be a scam so i tried it and got $415 sent to my paypal account which i quickly spent on a nintendo wii :-) u have to refer people to this website and have them sign up for a free trial. if you get 10 ppl you can get a free xbox 360 or $415. theres other stuff to chose from. i need 4 more referrals to get an xbox since i got cash last time.

http://www.3604free .com/index.php?ref=3808398

take out the space before .com then go there and sign up for blockbuster online. cancel it within 1 month and u wont get charged. (plus u get movies in the mail until u cancel) refer people to yer link and whala! money in the bank

Silver Member
Username: Camaro823

British Colu... Canada

Post Number: 977
Registered: Jun-05
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