Think the Wii will have over heating problems?


Silver Member
Username: Gamerdude

Ontario Canada

Post Number: 157
Registered: Apr-06
So today i got shopping for back to school junk:-( no fun but anyways sense ill be near toys r us i was gonna go put down the stupid deposit for it but i dont want one if it gonna over heat and be dumb like the xbox 360

Silver Member
Username: Camaro823

British Colu... Canada

Post Number: 669
Registered: Jun-05
does the 360 have over heating problems ??

Platinum Member
Username: Project6

Post Number: 10593
Registered: Dec-03

Silver Member
Username: Gamerdude

Ontario Canada

Post Number: 162
Registered: Apr-06
SO what do you think will it?

Platinum Member
Username: Project6

Post Number: 10602
Registered: Dec-03
Nintendo has been in the gaming business for a long time. I have never heard them have any quality issues.

Silver Member
Username: Camaro823

British Colu... Canada

Post Number: 672
Registered: Jun-05
Well from personal experience with the cube, which has broken down on me 3 times. I wouldn't say there have the cleanest record. I'm scared to even touch my 4th gamecube

Bronze Member
Username: Austin19

Enola, Pennsylvania America

Post Number: 31
Registered: Aug-06
Blow a fan on it if starts to get to hot. Thats what i do and mine hasn't had any overheating problems yet.

Silver Member
Username: Bigsim

NSW Australia

Post Number: 197
Registered: Jan-06
Sounds like you've been pretty unlucky JC, I've had my cube for a good few years now, and haven't had any problems with it (or maybe I've been lucky, who knows).

Silver Member
Username: Camaro823

British Colu... Canada

Post Number: 675
Registered: Jun-05
You know I can't explain why it would breakdown, when I played wrestlemania X8 a loud clicking noise would occur, then it broke. So i got it fixed and again the clicking only with that game only and it broke again. So I returned the game and fixed the system but it happened now I just sold the game and don't even touch the system I will for Zelda though so i'm gonna hold out touching it till it comes out

Silver Member
Username: Gamerdude

Ontario Canada

Post Number: 169
Registered: Apr-06
Jc sorry to hear about your luck! that really sucks,And Austin that would work i dont like the sound of it very much(personal thing i guess) well i;m going to do the 50$ depossit this Weekend:D

Silver Member
Username: Camaro823

British Colu... Canada

Post Number: 682
Registered: Jun-05
Are you getting the core or the premium ?

Platinum Member
Username: Project6

Post Number: 10680
Registered: Dec-03
My kids will have to wait a few more months until any QC issues are rectified. Heck they still have dozens of games across the different platforms.

Silver Member
Username: Bigsim

NSW Australia

Post Number: 201
Registered: Jan-06
They just announced that Sony are delaying the PS3 launch date till March next year in Australia and Europe!! Add the fact that I get a free game if I preorder a Wii, and I can't not get one :-)

Bronze Member
Username: Austin19

Enola, Pennsylvania America

Post Number: 32
Registered: Aug-06
iy comes out in november in america....but it costs over 500 dollars:-(

Silver Member
Username: Bigsim

NSW Australia

Post Number: 202
Registered: Jan-06
Yeah, apparently Sony are struggling with the production of the blue lasers, so they'll launch in the US and Japan in November, but not everywhere else.
And the premium pack, or whatever it's called, costs $1000AU :-(:-(

Bronze Member
Username: Austin19

Enola, Pennsylvania America

Post Number: 37
Registered: Aug-06
Damn .....i think i'll just wait till the price drops a bit.. it seems like every time they come out with a new system it has overheating problems in the beginning anyways. And i don't feel like spennding anywhere near 500-1000 dollars.

Platinum Member
Username: Project6

Post Number: 11305
Registered: Dec-03
When is the Wii coming out?

Silver Member
Username: Gamerdude

Ontario Canada

Post Number: 205
Registered: Apr-06
Nov 19th:-) i think hopfuly:-)

Gold Member
Username: Dustin3

Tigard, OR U.S.

Post Number: 3838
Registered: Oct-05
the 360 doesnt have overheating problems, lol you guys need to read. the first batch that came out had those problems. then the recalled them, and fixed the problem. you can play it for 20 hours without overheating. the first batch did tho

Silver Member
Username: D_singh

Post Number: 132
Registered: Sep-05
Only 20 hrs? What a joke! I need to be able to play 72 hrs non stop. :P

Gold Member
Username: Dustin3

Tigard, OR U.S.

Post Number: 4229
Registered: Oct-05
lol. you dam GAMER!

haha, nah, i just said that number, i just left mine on for 20 hours by accident and it didnt do anything.
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