50 Cent: Bulletproof


Silver Member
Username: Camaro823

British Colu... Canada

Post Number: 259
Registered: Jun-05
Whats your opinion on this game, I seriosuly think that some reviewers rag on this game because it's by 50 Cent. On the other hand its really not that good but I wouldn't give it some of the scores i've seen. For some reason though the game sells like crazy, thats a friggin fan base.

Gold Member
Username: Rovin

Trinidad & T...

Post Number: 4361
Registered: Jul-05
u are so darn RIGHT ! - 50 cents is the marketing ploy ...

i tested it yesterday - all it does is glorify violence/street life on youngimpressionable minds .
From the beginning all u see is a bunch of thugs with frowning faces behaving all ghetto cause apparently like that is all they know .
This game & True Crime NYC is like what GTA might have been this yr if they had made 1 .....

If thats ur thing then hell yea - buy it ...
BUT NOT the type of games parents should get their kids !........

Gold Member
Username: Rovin

Trinidad & T...

Post Number: 4362
Registered: Jul-05
Oh ,
i must say i'm glad @ least somebody cared 2 post a topic related 2 ACTUAL GAMES

& NOT like the bunch of weenies who only post because they have problems with their machine !!!!....

Silver Member
Username: Camaro823

British Colu... Canada

Post Number: 261
Registered: Jun-05
I agree man, they really need to delete all threads starting with "my ps2 won't read discs" or something of that nature. They should just make one thread and leave it.

Silver Member
Username: Camaro823

British Colu... Canada

Post Number: 265
Registered: Jun-05
alright i just finished this game, is it just moe or is the one confusing storyline ? like damn, what the hell is going on ?

Unregistered guest
50 cent is a dumb n.igger. Why would you want to evan buy that game and make that dumb fu.ckin nigg richer than he allready is.

Silver Member
Username: Camaro823

British Colu... Canada

Post Number: 268
Registered: Jun-05
take it easy buddy, it's just a game. Why don't you register bud and then give an opinion.
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