Progressive scan works for DVD playback but not for games. My HDTV only shows 480i for games but 480p for DVD's. (Yes, I have an HDTV as well as the component video cables for PS2.)
Do PS2 games show in progressive scan? Does it vary by the game? I'm new to the Playstation scene here but am very familiar with HDTVs. Thank you!
I am also experiencing problems with the PS2 and my HDTV. The picture is displaying a second later than the game is running. It would appear that the controller functions are reacting late but I know this is not the case. I'm trying to troubleshoot with the options of the PS2 but am getting nowhere. I do hear there is a box available that will smooth the visual transfer from reg. to HD. It would connect to the PS2, the wires will connect to the box and then the final connection to the tv! I've only seen this available at one site($200) but is currently now unavailable/sold out! Is there something else that I can do ? HELP !!!