Playstation 2 Emulator...Does one exist that works?


Nick Belsky
Unregistered guest
I am new to this board and I am sure someone has asked this before, but is there an emulator that actually works out there? I have downloaded at least ten different programs and none of them work. I have followed all the programs directions and have met all system requirements, but still no luck getting everything to work. My DVD drive can read the PS2 discs, but I can't get video or my PC to "play or read" the PS2 files. Any help is appreciated. Thanks.

i am new to this board and i'm sure someone has asked this before, but is there an emulator that actually works out there? i have downloaded at least 12 different programs and none of them work. my pc has all the requirements but no luck. any help is appreciated. thanks

Unregistered guest
HELP, is there any way to hook up a play station 2 to a direct tv satelite system???

New member
Username: Smokey847

Post Number: 10
Registered: Apr-05
First of all, if you hook the PS2 up with a coaxial (little thing with pin in it and has a screw on it) cable or the standard cables (3 cables: red, white, and yellow) If it is through the coaxial cable, you will have no problem. Just hook it to the input that is labled antenna or cable in. If you have the standard cables, you are not going to be able to go through the direct tv unless it is a high definition receiver. If you do have a high def receiver, just go where it says input and match up the colors. If you use the standard cables, don't have a high def receiver, and is way too much trouble to get to the TV, you can purchase a little device called a RF Modulator. This takes the standard cords and modulates them into the the old coaxial cable. Hope this helps!

Unregistered guest
hey plz help me here, i don't know how to load a game because whenever i try to play a game it shows NO DATA i don't know why it so plz help me. I want in brief how to use an PS2 EMULATOR in detail. Anyway thanks.
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