Oh quit being so nice about it David, they're way too high. Unless he's listening to his stuff on a 31" stool, they're way too high. Front ported bookshelves would have suited this setup better. However, I don't know the whole story and don't know if he has a wife that he has to compromise with, I don't know. Ideally I would say chop that entertainment center up and use it for fire wood and get a good TV stand that will allow to place the floor-standing speakers on the floor. It will also increase sound quality and stage since the some of the sound won't be droning around in that cabinet shelf especially if those speakers are rear ported.
john you had me laughing, very funny shiitt I keep steeling your smilys, and dont worry about john hes so hungry he will spread that candle wax on a english muffin so fast that it wouldnt matter what you told him it was, anyways I didnt post this thread a wile back because I dont like to bash people in the bragging area, we are all proud of our systems and thats why we put them in hear, the center could go up top but touching the tv, and the front should be replaced with some nice front ported bookshelves as sujested, unless your hole family is 8" tall and you like to look down when watching tv, then the upper shelve will be fine for the center