How to delete my profile from


New member
Username: Trimon

Post Number: 4
Registered: Jul-12
moderators ????

Silver Member
Username: Mememememe

Post Number: 133
Registered: Sep-12
Just say something like the moderators mother has been fucked by a goat.

Bronze Member
Username: Athena_

Post Number: 44
Registered: Jan-13
LOL Greg...

they don't allow you to close your own account anymore... and asking for the admins help in this matter is about the chances as hell freezing over.

whatcha gotta do and this usually works for me is ....

tell the admin your going to SUE for Libel defamation against Plymouth from the satellite TV forum. If Plymouth persists in his LIBEL defamatory False accusations calling me transgender or transvestite etc..

Note .... it shouldn't take to long for me to get suspended again once the admin reads this

watch how it's done

I WILL proceed IF any and all defaming posts are not deleted asap ( they've already deleted the archive twice to hide the incriminating evidence so it can be done again... this is a warning.

I've been under suspension for almost a year therein I couldn't post here to ask for these defaming posts to be taken down or anyother false accusation towards me. Now that I'm back and have read said posts I am requesting they be taken down and My account here closed because I do not wish to be a member of this site any further.

Any further posts regarding me can and will be held against Plymouth and his "friend" if these false accusation persist.

thank you.


Bronze Member
Username: Athena_

Post Number: 45
Registered: Jan-13
I do g grow weary preforming this tire of this game .

it might be with in this site best interest to banish Plymouth for good. It's just a suggestion.

thanks' regards Doreen

.S. Admin I am back and I see nothing has changed tisk tisk when will you ever learn?

here is a hint Please read

Bronze Member
Username: Athena_

Post Number: 46
Registered: Jan-13
the first link didn't work right
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