Not very long ago you added the edit post button to the thread making it easier to edit one's post. That was a great idea geared towards correcting grammar or spelling errors. I suggest, as many forums support this, is to add a line that indicates that a post has indeed been edited and when last done so. I say this because there have been MANY instances where members use foul and derogatory language towards others simply because they know they can quickly and discretely delete it before it is reported to you, essentially giving any member the power to break almost every forum posting rule without recourse. This happens dozens of times a day. While this simple addition won't deter such childish and idiotic behavior it WILL inform others that an edit has been made and when.
It's like when a judge instructs a jury to disregard a statement that has been made. Once heard the jury is ultimately influenced regardless of what the "record" states. So when a member uses language outside of forum rules and quickly edits it after the intent of disruption is made does that mean the offense never took place?
We have also the option of deleting the post which can erase any trace of posts!
I think we don't need to see it!
I add many infos on my posts after few search or do a spelling correction, the problem with this add is that you will not know if that will be only a spelling correction or idiotie deleted!
IMO it's very important to know when and if a member has changed their original post. It clears up many confusing threads where responses are misread due to the original post being altered. It's like reading a book when every other page has been torn out. A simple addition like this won't harm ANY upstanding posting member, only those hiding something or breaking posting rules.
For those with nothing to hide there shouldn't be a problem. For those who abuse the posting rules will obviously vote against it. What's to be afraid of?